Heritage advisory service

In our shire Heritage Overlays recognise and protect more than a thousand places.

To check if your property has a Heritage Overlay, order a free Planning Property Report. If your property is on the Heritage Overlay, you may need a planning permit to undertake works. You will need a planning permit to renovate, alter or subdivide heritage-listed properties, trees, or land. Please refer to the planning scheme for the detailed list of requirements. 

Our Heritage Advisory Service can help you navigate questions about heritage and your property but it is always a good idea to speak with a planner first.

Our Heritage Advisory Service

After you have spoken to one of our planners you may be referred to our Heritage and Urban Design Officer. They can discuss your plans and advise on the needs of the Heritage Overlay schedule. Discussions may occur over the phone face to face or an on-site meeting at your property may be warranted.  

Please fill out this form(PDF, 89KB), and email through to info@mountalexander.vic.gov.au to organise payment ($181.25 including GST).

Once paid, our Heritage and Urban Design Officer will contact you to arrange a time for this meeting.

Please bring the following information:

  • Sketch or concept plans of the proposal (mandatory)
  • Certificate of title including any plans, covenant details or Sec 173 Agreement (mandatory)
  • Site or survey plan of the subject property
  • Other relevant documents (e.g. arborist report, site photographs).