Heritage overlays

A Heritage Overlay is applied to any heritage place that has been formally recognised on the Victorian Heritage Register or identified in the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.

The purpose of the heritage overlay is:

  • to conserve and enhance heritage places of natural or cultural significance
  • to conserve and enhance those elements which contribute to the significance of heritage places
  • to ensure that development does not adversely affect the significance of heritage places
  • to conserve specifically identified heritage places by allowing a use that would otherwise be prohibited if this will demonstrably assist with the conservation of the significance of the heritage place

A Heritage Overlay on a property means you must get a planning permit for all external changes, including front fences, and sometimes for painting, internal alterations and removing or pruning trees.

To check if your property has a Heritage Overlay, order a free Planning Property Report. If your property is on the Heritage Overlay, you may need a planning permit to undertake works. You will need a planning permit to renovate, alter or subdivide heritage-listed properties, trees, or land. Please refer to the planning scheme for the detailed list of requirements.  

For further information on whether or not a permit is required see the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme or contact our Planning Services team.

After you have spoken to one of our planners you may be referred to our Heritage and Urban Design Officer. They can discuss your plans and advise on the needs of the Heritage Overlay schedule. Discussions may occur over the phone face to face or an on-site meeting at your property may be warranted.