Levee banks project

We've seen many homes in the shire flooded by recent major rain events. In particular, Campbells Creek, Chewton and Castlemaine are all vulnerable, as we saw in 2022.

Following flooding in 2010, 2011 and 2012 a Flood Management Plan for the area was developed. The plan aims to reduce the impact of flooding.

Recommendations include:
  • Carry out infrastructure activities – build six levee banks and undertake waterway improvements
  • Develop a strategic plan for urban waterways
  • Review flood warning systems
  • Amend the planning scheme to adopt flood model mapping.
Following community consultation, we adopted the plan in 2015. Council has been in the development stage of this project as of 2022.

What is the project?

This project focusses on the infrastructure-related recommendations – the levee banks and waterway improvements. These will protect nearby homes, businesses, roads and footpaths.

The project includes:
  • 100m earthen and concrete levee at Central Cabins and Van Park in Castlemaine
  • 430m earthen and concrete levee at Elizabeth Street in Castlemaine
  • 580m earthen and concrete levee at Campbells Creek township
  • 50m earthen levee at National School Lane in Campbells Creek
  • Waterway improvements downstream of Alexandra Bridge in Campbells Creek.
Expert engineers GHD identified the best locations for the levees and waterway activities. We then consulted the community on preliminary designs for these levees improvement activities.

There was no community support for the two recommended levees along Gingell Street, Castlemaine. There is currently no timeline for those levees.

What phase of the project are we in?

We are in the Development phase of this project. This means finalising designs and securing permits and approvals so we can build.

Please note this phase DOES NOT include construction of the levees.

Construction will only begin once:
  • We have all permits and approvals
  • Detailed Design has been completed
  • Funding has been sourced
  • Councillors approve the budget.

What happens in the development phase?

During the development phase we will:
  • Finalise design drawings so they are ready to send for tender
  • Provide project update information to the community
  • Formalise a Cultural Heritage Management Plan and Land User Activity Agreement
  • Resolve land encroachment issues, establish easements and acquire land as required
  • Obtain planning permit approvals for levee construction
  • Update cost assumptions
  • Prepare required documentation for Council to consider entering the Delivery phase (construction).
We expect to complete the current development phase of the project in 2024.

Can you discuss the project with us?

If you would like to discuss this project further please contact our engineering team on 5471 1835, or email info@mountalexander.vic.gov.au.

Project updates

September 2024

The design consultant has completed the modelling for all levee sites. On 25 June 2024, council officers provided a brief to the Councillors for their review. This information was then shared at a community meeting on 27 June 2024, held at the Campbells Creek Lawn Bowls Club, with a follow-up meeting on Saturday 3 August 2024.

The removal of structures and other items on Crown land has been finalised. Investigations at the National School Lane levee have also been completed, and a final design is in place. Council has reviewed the construction delivery methods and is currently in the procurement phase to engage a contractor, with the tender process now closed and evaluations underway.

Ecologist and arborist reports were received in June 2024 and have been sent to the consultants to incorporate considerations of flora and fauna into the final levee designs. Detailed designs for the levee banks on Elizabeth Street and in Campbells Creek township are currently in progress.

Surveying of the floor levels of surrounding residences has been completed and will be provided to the design consultants for their final designs. Additionally, sheet piling trials for the Elizabeth Street design will take place in October 2024. An application for a planning permit for the construction of the levees is also in progress.

August 2024

The design consultant has completed modelling for the all of the levee sites. Council officers provided a brief to Councillors for their information and consideration on 25 June 2024. This information was shared at a community meeting on 27 June 2024 at the Campbells Creek Lawn Bowls Club with a subsequent meeting held on Saturday 3 August 2024.

The removal of structures and other items on Crown land are currently underway and shall be finalised shortly.

All investigations at the National School Lane levee have been completed. A final design has been completed, and Council has reviewed the methods of delivery for the construction works and is currently in the procurement process to engage a construction contractor. The project is currently out to tender and will close on 26 September 2024.

The Ecologist and Arborist Reports were received in June 2024 and forwarded onto to the consultants to consider flora and fauna when finalising levee designs.

Geotechnical investigation has concluded for Castlemaine Van and Cabin Park, Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township Main Road levees. Detailed designs are currently underway for Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township levee banks.

Surveying of floor level of surrounding residences is underway and is expected to be completed September/October. Furthermore, sheet piling trials to finalise designs for Elizabeth Street will be conducted in October 2024.

June 2024

The design consultant has completed modelling for the all of the levee sites. Council officers provided a brief to Councillors for their information and consideration on 25 June 2024. This information was shared at a community meeting on 27 June 2024 at the Campbells Creek Lawn Bowls Club.

Council officers continue to be in discussion with a number of impacted property owners regarding crown land encroachment issues.

All investigations at the National School Lane levee have been completed. A final design has been completed, and Council has reviewed the methods of delivery for the construction works and is currently in the procurement process to engage a construction contractor.

The Ecologist and Arborist Reports have been received in June 2024 and forwarded onto to the consultants to consider flora and fauna when finalising levee designs.

Geotechnical assessment of site material is underway the results will be used so detailed design can commence for Castlemaine Van and Cabin Park, Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township Main Road levees .

May 2024

The design consultant has completed modelling for the all of the levee sites. Council officers will be providing a brief to Councillors for their information and consideration in early July. Once Council has an opportunity to view the information it will then be shared with the community. Council officers continue to be in discussion with a number of impacted property owners regarding crown land encroachment issues.

A community meeting has been arranged for 27 June 2024 at the Campbells Creek Lawn Bowls Club from 3.00pm to 5.00pm.

All investigations at the National School Lane levee have been completed. A final design has been completed, and Council has reviewed the methods of delivery for the construction works and is currently in the procurement process to engage a construction contractor.

All service utility assets have been physically located and feature surveys completed at all levee sites.

The geotechnical field investigations for all the levees have also been completed. Geotechnical testing of the material is underway and once these test results have been received, detailed design can commence.

The ecologist’s and arborist’s field investigations were completed in April. The draft reports are now expected in early June.

April 2024

The design consultant has completed modelling for the following levees: Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park, Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township, and have presented preliminary options and recommendations to Council Representatives in late February. Council officers have reviewed and provided comments/questions on the options presented, which the contractor has provided a response for Council to assess.

Council officers continue to be in discussion with a number of impacted property owners regarding crown land encroachment issues.

A community meeting was held at the Campbells Creek Lawn Bowls Club rooms on 18 April 2024 with the majority of the impacted property owners present. A progress update was provided along with a Q&A session which was well received by those present. Further meeting sessions will be arranged into the future as the modelling options are completed and preliminary design is started.

All investigations at the National School Lane levee have been completed. A draft final design has been completed and is currently in the review process. Council is assessing the methods of delivery for the construction works to enable rapid delivery of the construction works.

All service utility assets have been physically located for Elizabeth Street, Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park, and Main Road Campbells Creek levees. Feature surveys have been completed for the Elizabeth Street and Castlemaine Caravan & Van Park sites and is underway at the Main Road Campbells Creek levee site. It is expected to be completed in early May.

The geotechnical investigation for the Elizabeth Street levee and Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park Levee have been completed. Once test results have been received, detailed design can commence. Geotechnical investigations are currently underway for Main Road Campbells Creek Levees.

The ecologist’s and arborist’s field investigations were completed in April and report is expected late May.

March 2024

The design consultant has completed modelling for the following Levees: Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park, Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township, and have presented preliminary options and recommendations to Council Representatives in late February. Council officers have reviewed and provided comments/questions on the options presented and is awaiting a response.

Title re-establishment survey for the Castlemaine and Campbells Creek levees, were completed in November. Information obtained by the surveyor was sent to owners in the new year. Impacted property owners were contacted directly to discuss realignment of their rear property fences to their actual property boundary.

All investigations at National School Lane levee have been completed and it is now under design. The final design is expected to be delivered mid to late April for construction in May/June.

All service utilities assets have been physically located for Elizabeth Street and Castlemaine Caravan & Van Park levees. A feature survey has been completed for the Elizabeth Street site and it is underway at Castlemaine Caravan & Van Park and Main Road Campbells Creek levee sites, and is expected to be completed in late April.

The geotechnical investigation for the Elizabeth Street levee has been completed. Once test results have been received, final design can commence. Geotechnical investigations for Castlemaine Caravan & Van Park and Main Road Campbells Creek levees will commence in late April.

February 2024

Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy, have completed modelling for the following Levees: Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park, Elizabeth Street and Campbells Creek Township, and have presented options and recommendations to Council Representatives in late February. Council will review and comment on the options presented.

Title re-establishment survey for the Castlemaine and Campbells Creek levees, were completed in November. Information obtained by the surveyor was sent to owners in the new year, was sent out to all property owners adjacent to the proposed levees.

Impacted property owners were contacted directly to discuss realignment of their rear property fences to their actual property boundary.

All investigations at National School Lane Levee have been completed and is now under design.

Service utilities location is currently underway and will continue into the month of March for Elizabeth Street and Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park Levees. Geotechnical contractors have been engaged for Elizabeth Street Levee.

Preliminary options assessments have been completed by the design consultant for all levee sites.

December 2023

Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy, have completed modelling for Castlemaine Caravan and Van Park Levee, and have presented options to Council at December’s site meeting. Council will review the modelling and comment on the options presented.

Title re-establishment survey for the Castlemaine and Campbells Creek levees, as well as a feature survey at the rear of the properties at the National School Lane levee, were completed in November. Information obtained by the surveyor will be sent to owners in the new year.

Impacted property owners will be contacted directly to discuss realignment of their rear property fences to their actual property boundary.

Geotechnical investigations at the National School Lane site were completed in December 2023 along with the arborist assessment. Stantec will be analysing this information and undertaking detailed design for the National School Lane Levee to enable construction to commence.

November 2023

Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy, have completed modelling for the Elisabeth Street levee and have presented options to Council at November’s site meeting. Council will now review the modelling and comment on the options presented.

Surveyors were engaged to undertake a title re-establishment survey for the Campbells Creek levee, as well as a feature survey at the rear of the properties at the National School Lane levee. The surveying is now 100% complete.

Council has engaged GTS to undertake a geotechnical investigation at the National School Lane site, and it's anticipated this will be completed in mid-December 2023.  An arborist engaged by Stantec is also currently assessing the vegetation at National School Lane.

Once the geotechnical investigations and arborist assessment is complete and together with the surveying information, Stantec will provide a detailed design for the National School Lane levee to start constructio.

October 2023

Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy, have completed a gap analysis and determined what information is needed to complete the Detailed Design for all levees.

Adrian Cummins & Associates were engaged to undertake title re-establishment survey for Campbells Creek, as well as a feature survey at the rear of the properties at National School Lane.  This is to ensure that the proposed levee banks are located outside of private property and also capture features for design purposes.  The surveying is 80% complete and should be completed mid-November.

Stantec will undertake geotechnical investigations in late November/early December for Levees at Elizabeth Street and National School Lane so Details Designs for these levees can commence.

September 2023

The Detailed Design was awarded to Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy, who have completed a gap analysis and determined what information is needed to complete the Detailed Design.

To ensure that the proposed levee banks are located outside of private property, Council has requested a quote from surveyors for a title re-establishment survey. This will also identify any structures that may inadvertently be located outside of private property and within the proposed levee alignment.

Council has hand-delivered letters to several residents/owners along the proposed levee bank alignment. The letter informed them of the upcoming surveys and geotechnical investigation.

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August 2023

The Detailed Design has been awarded to Stantec, a Melbourne based consultancy. An initial meeting between Council and the consultant was held to ensure milestones and their dates were defined.

Consultants and their contractors will be on site in the coming months to assess the levee locations for vegetation, services and accessibility to then determine final detailed designs for each levee for their specific location.

Once this is complete, Council will progress to the delivery stage, which includes construction of the levees.

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July 2023

The Detailed Design, which includes levee locations, materials and construction standards, has been awarded to a contractor. The levee designs aim to enhance accessibility, serviceability and durability.

Due to the complexities associated with each of the levees, they are planned to be delivered in a staged manner.

Council is currently in the development stage of this project, which includes finalising designs, and securing permits and approvals.

Once this is complete, Council will progress to the delivery stage, which includes construction of the levees.

Construction on the first levee is expected to commence in 2024.

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