Freedom of Information

You have the right of access to documents and information held by Council. 

You also have the right to appeal decisions by us to refuse access to information.

How do you make a request?

Make a request in writing with enough information to enable us to identify relevant documents. Where possible, including a date range of the documents requested.

To make sure you include all the information we need, you can download a copy of the Freedom of Information Request to Access Documents form.

The request must come with an application fee payment of $31.80 and sent to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Mount Alexander Shire Council

The application fee is non refundable. It is important you are confident that Council has the documents that you are requesting.

Please note, some Council information is freely available. You may find what you need without making a Freedom of Information request. You can check this by searching our website or calling us on 03 5471 1700Our Customer Service team will be happy to help you find what you need.

If you're interested in a Planning Permit application, please contact the Planning Unit before lodging a request. We cannot release development plans unless the owner of the plans has authorised it.

Council will respond to your request within 30 days. Search and access charges allowable under the Act may apply to your request.

What if your application is refused?

If we refuse access to documents, or you are not satisfied with an action or decision, you can apply for a review. This review is conducted by Victoria’s Freedom of Information Commissioner. You must request a review within 28 days of a refusal.

You can contact the FOI Commissioner:

Freedom of Information Commissioner – Reviews
Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner
PO Box 24274
Melbourne Victoria 3001
DX 210287
Telephone: 1300 842 364

Why might we refuse a request?

Not all information is automatically available. The Freedom of Information Act allows us to restrict access to certain documents.

Examples of documents that we may not release include:

  • law enforcement documents
  • confidential matters considered by Council
  • some internal working documents
  • documents covered by legal professional privilege such as legal advice
  • documents containing personal information about other people
  • documents containing "Commercial in-confidence" information or trade secrets
  • information obtained in confidence
  • personal details of others.

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