Christine Henderson


Christine Henderson

Listening posts

Come and chat to Councillor Christine Henderson at a listening post. Visit our listening post page for details. 

Councillor profile

What made you want to run for Council?

My neighbour put me up to it back in 2008. I nominated, but didn't campaign. After one term one council I was hooked. There was stiff competition for the Coliban ward at the 2012 election but I squeezed in and I'm still here, in my fourth term!

What are your top three priority areas for your term?

Affordable housing, one way or another, in as many ways as possible, for locals in our Shire.

Improve community engagement, listening to what people think and want. I'm looking forward to Council's new Communications and Engagement Strategy swinging into action.

Build a river crossing at Vaughan to replace the old, closed bridge. The community has been waiting for almost ten years. 

What do you love most about your local area and community?

The natural beauty of our environment; the friendliness of people and community spirit; the diversity of groups and individuals that make up our community.

Anything else you'd like to tell us?

Being a councillor can be a lot of work: meetings, emails, meeting people on site about their council-related issues, reading! (so much reading) but it's always interesting, there's always something new to consider and it's a great honour to be a representative and a decision maker for the community.

Related information

Councillor Code of Conduct(PDF, 2MB)


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