Support or object

Who can submit an objection or submission of support?

Objections can be made to any planning application by any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit.

Submissions of support are also welcomed and submitted using the same process as for an objection.

How do you know if you will be affected by a permit?

If you are likely to be affected by a permit, you may receive a letter in the mail and will be directed to look at the application and any documents that support the application at:

Council offices: Mount Alexander Shire Council, Civic Centre, 27 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine.

This can be done during office hours and is free of charge.

Please note - an online portal for viewing planning applications is in development. 

How do you lodge your support or objection?

Planning applications lodged before 14 May 2024

An objection or submission of support can be made on our Greenlight system.

  1. Visit the Greenlight website
  2. Find the planning application using the search function
  3. Click on the planning application number eg. PA200/2021
  4. Enter your details into the ‘Lodging an Objection/Submission’ form 

Planning applications lodged after 14 May 2024

An objection or submission of support can be made online, by email or in writing.

Lodging online is the quickest and easiest method:

  1. Visit the My Mount Alexander public planning register
  2. Scroll down to ‘Public Applications on Notice’
  3. Click on your chosen applications
  4. Fill out the Support/Objection/Neutral form
  5. Click ‘Lodge submission’

Lodge by email at

Lodge in writing at:

Planning Services
Mount Alexander Shire Council
PO Box 185, Castlemaine VIC 3450

Can you view others' objections or submissions of support?

Yes. As the 'Responsible Authority', we must make a copy of every objection available for any person to inspect during office hours free of charge. 

These copies can be found at the Civic Centre in Castlemaine until the review period ends.

How do you view current planning applications?

You can view current and past planning applications on the My Mount Alexander portal.

To easily find applications, use our How to use the planning register on My Mount Alexander(PDF, 332KB) document.

What must be included in an objection?

To ensure your application is assessed as quickly as possible, you need to ensure all of the required information is submitted.

Please ensure that all written submissions include a name, address, email and contact number.

An objection must include the reasons for the objection and state how the objector would be affected.

Can you submit an application on behalf of a group of people?

Yes. When an objection is lodged by a group of people with the same objection, it is common practice to consider this type of objection as one objection. This is commonly known as a petition.

Petitions are counted as one objection, regardless of the number of signatories.

Separate objections are required from each person if they wish to have objector status, otherwise only the first signatory (or any other person as directed) will be registered as the objector.

Will you be able to address Councillors at a meeting?

It is Council policy to consider a mediation meeting between the applicant and objector/s when circumstances may provide a resolution and the applicant is willing to participate. You will be invited to attend this if a meeting is scheduled.

If objections are not withdrawn, the application may be required to go before a Council meeting for a decision. You will be advised of the date of the meeting and provided with any other relevant information.

All applications to go before a Council meeting have a separate applicant / objector / supporter meeting.
This meeting is usually held two weeks prior to the Council meeting and provides an opportunity for the applicant and objector(s) to speak directly with Councillors and senior Council Officers about the application prior to it being determined.

The meeting will be facilitated to ensure Councillors have the information they need to make a decision at a subsequent meeting. It is not a mediation session and no decision will be made on the night.

For further information, please contact us.