Council's fire prevention program

Council undertakes property inspections and fuel reduction works in parks, reserves and along roadsides to prepare for the fire season.

Fire prevention property inspections

Before and during fire season, properties within Mount Alexander Shire are inspected by our Municipal Fire Prevention Officer and a member of the local CFA. Council conducts an annual property inspection program to meet its obligations under the Country Fire Authority Act (1958).

Why does Council do property inspections?

Property inspections are done to ensure that property owners have properly prepared their properties for Fire Danger Period and removed any fire hazards.

Failure by property owners to reduce or clear fire hazards may lead to Fire Prevention Notices being issued. Non-compliance of these notices may lead to heavy penalties being imposed.

Find out how to Prepare your property for fire on our website or contact our Municipal Fire Prevention Officer on 03 5471 1700 for any queries.   

How can I report a hazard?

If you are concerned about a fire hazard at a particular property in your community, you can submit a service request via our website.

When submitting the request, please provide as much detail as possible about the location of the property and the nature of the hazard, as well as your contact details.

Roadside Slashing Program

Council’s Roadside Slashing Program is typically scheduled from October to January every year depending on weather, in the lead up to and throughout the high-risk weather season. It includes slashing, grooming and weed spraying on selected Council managed roads.

What is the purpose of the Road Slashing Program?

The aim of the program is to reduce the likelihood of fires starting and spreading within the shire, and to assist with a safe path of travel during emergencies.

It has been designed in partnership with fire agencies to strategically reduce the risk of fire travelling through our shire.

Find out more information

For more information visit our Roadside slashing and spraying page or find out what roadsides are going to be slashed by visiting the Roadside Slashing Program map.

Tree pruning program

Council’s tree pruning program is scheduled in October every year and is the result of the tree inspection program which identifies hundreds of trees in the shire that require pruning by qualified contractors.

Why do we have a tree pruning program?

 The identified trees are pruned so they provide appropriate clearance around power lines. This ensures Council meets electricity safety requirements while reducing the risks of bushfires, blackouts and power surges.