Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 was endorsed by Council in October 2021.
The MPHWP sets out what Council will do to protect, promote and improve community health and wellbeing in the Shire over the next four years, in partnership with government and health and community service organisations.
Based on the priorities and focus areas from the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023, a number of objectives and strategies have been identified to work in partnership with stakeholders and groups to address the eleven health and wellbeing priorities identified below. The top four, in bold, are our core priorities.
1. Tackling climate change and its impact on health
2. Increasing healthy eating
3. Increasing active living
4. Reducing tobacco-related harm
5. Reducing injury
6. Preventing all forms of violence
7. Decreasing the risk of drug resistant infections in the community
8. Improving mental wellbeing
9. Improving sexual and reproductive health
10.Reducing harmful alcohol and drug use
11. Reducing gambling harm
Download the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 2MB) .
Emphasis will be given to four key focus areas to provide additional support and guidance over the next four years.
1. Tackling climate change and its impact on health
The World Health Organisation recognises the impact of climate change on public health. These impacts can be both direct and indirect.
2. Increasing Healthy Eating
A healthy diet is essential for good health, growth, and development. Healthy eating supports good mental health and social wellbeing. The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend eating a healthy diet with nutritious foods including vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, nuts, seeds and whole-grains, with low intake of discretionary foods that are high in energy, salt, added sugar and fats.
3. Increasing Active Living
Mount Alexander Shire Council plays a pivotal role in promoting active living and reducing sedentary behaviour. Increasing participation in physical activity has health, social and economic benefits. The health benefits of regular physical activity include improved physical health, reduced risk of developing major chronic diseases, managing a healthy weight, developing social connections and helping to prevent and manage mental health outcomes.
4. Reducing tobacco-related harm
Reducing tobacco harm is a public health priority for Victoria. Mount Alexander Shire Council plays a pivotal role in supporting programs that encourage smokers and e cigarette users to quit. Reducing monitoring point of sale advertising and promoting smoke free venues can promote and support programs that encourage smokers and e cigarette users to quit.
Legislative requirements
To meet our statutory obligations under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 an annual Municipal Health and Wellbeing Action Plan will be developed for each year of the Council Plan.
The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 requires an analysis of local health determinants, trends and health and wellbeing indicators, with the involvement of community, to identify a clear strategic approach to:
• prevent disease
• promote health prevention strategies
• protect the community
• address environmental health dangers.
The Mount Alexander Shire Council Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 has been developed in line with these requirements and guidelines released by the Victorian Department of Health. It aims to provide the Mount Alexander Shire community, Council and its partners with clear direction regarding the priority areas for focus to improve the health and wellbeing of our community over the next four years.